Monday, November 26, 2012

Zipper Bow Jewelry and Hair Accessories

If youve been taking buttons, appliques, and similar things, off of ruined clothing before disposing of it, thats a good thing. You can always use buttons for making clothes and creating home accents. You probably think that the zippers can only be used to put in other garments but thats not true. Now, people turn them into earrings, bracelets, and more. You might want to take a turn at trying to make a jewelry piece with a zipper and, if so, a good project to get you started is a zipper bow. The bow can then be made into a jewelry item, a headband, or another personal accessory.

A zipper bow takes just a couple of minutes to make but its cute and unusual. All you have to do is cut the zipper from the old clothing item - or purchase a new zipper - and cut it. Zip the zipper all the way up and then lay it out flat on a table. Make two cuts to take a section out of the center. The section can be small, if you want a little bow, or much larger for a big bow.

Turn the zipper section into a circle and glue the short ends together. Hot glue works okay to secure it for now but you wont be able to launder it. If youll need to wash and dry the finished bow sometime, use fabric glue instead of hot glue. Decide on a material to tie around the zipper circle. Push the front and the back of the circle together, making sure that the glue seam is on the bottom, and tie a string, ribbon, or cord, around the middle of the circle. Position the tied area behind the zipper - in the area where the glue seam is. Instead of tying a material around it, you can make another circle from a zipper piece - but much smaller - and wrap it around the larger circle, around the middle. Glue the ends together to secure. You can attach the unique zipper bow onto any number of different items. Glue one onto a headband to create a cute accessory for a girl. Or, attach the zipper bow to a purse - suitable for a girl or a woman. You can also make a cuff of fabric, to go around your neck or your wrist, and glue or sew the zipper bow onto it. It creates a cute necklace or bracelet to coordinate with any number of outfits. Getting excited? Well, Ill let you go so you can grab that box of zippers; I know that you want to get started. Making jewelry and personal accents with zippers, thankfully, is one way to use those zippers that youve been saving. And youve been wondering what you were going to do with all of them!

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