Saturday, November 10, 2012

Fake Fried Ice Cream

Have you ever tried fried ice cream? What a treat! Different places make it in various ways. Basically, though, its a ball of frozen ice cream, rolled in any number of goodies, and fried quickly. The frying of the dessert cooks the outside while the ice cream remains frozen. Some places make the dessert by wrapping ice cream in pie crust. Another place might roll it in corn flakes, and when it has been fried, sprinkle it with cinnamon and sugar. Instead of heating up a hot deep fryer on a hot day, take a shortcut. You can make a fake fried ice cream thats just as delicious as the real thing without the extra effort. There are many different ways to make the fake fried ice cream that there is sure to be one - or many - that youll love.

Use any flavor of ice cream to make this treat. Many people opt for vanilla or chocolate since these combine well with various things you can roll the ice cream in before frying. Set the ice cream out for a few minutes to soften only slightly. The ice cream should still be frozen but should be easy to scoop out of the carton. One pint makes about 4 to 6 of the fried ice cream balls.

For each pint of ice cream place ? cup of cereal and 1/3 cup of finely chopped nuts in a bowl. Mix these well. The cereal choices can vary. Some good selections include corn flakes, Rice Krispies, Cocoa Krispies, granola cereal or almond cluster cereal. The nuts you use can vary, too. Mixed nuts are great but you could use only almonds, only peanuts, etc. Or, forget the nuts and mix in other goodies, like chocolate chips, cookie crumbles, raisins or dried fruit pieces. After mixing up all the ingredients you want for the crust scoop out a ball of ice cream, then place it in the bowl of cereal. Coat it quickly then place it in a cup of a muffin tin. Do the same thing again to create as many of the ice cream balls as you need. Cover the muffin tin with plastic wrap and place it in the freezer for at least an hour before serving. Just before serving the fake fried ice cream, warm up a chosen topping to pour over it. This can be chocolate syrup, strawberry preserves or even melted caramel. Pour the topping over the ice cream then serve it immediately. Your guests wont know the fake ice cream from the real fried treat but you will. You didnt have to heat up the frying pot and stand over it until you were too sweaty to care anymore. Youll probably never make the real fried ice cream ever again!

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