Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rock Strawberries

What you need: Rocks Red, green, and black paint or paint markers Who couldnt love a strawberry? Even if you dont like the taste, the lovely look of a strawberry can be irresistible. Thats probably why so many people have strawberry accents in their kitchens. Are you a strawberry person? Do you have kitchen curtains with strawberry borders? Strawberry-shaped coasters? Then, have I got an exciting project for you! Turn rocks into strawberries and you can set them in baskets around the kitchen, arrange them across a windowsill, and even make them into magnets.

You cant use just any old rock to make a strawberry but you dont have to be really picky. The rocks should be fairly smooth, and somewhat small, and flat on at least one side. They dont necessarily have to be shaped like traditional strawberries. You can find many rocks in your own driveway or yard, more than likely. Gather some up, wash them well, and youre ready to start.

You dont have to be an expert at painting to turn rocks into strawberries. Paint each rock with red paint, of course, and allow to dry. It might take more than one coat to get the coverage and hue that you desire. Paint all sides of each rock. Set a painted rock in front of you so that its resting on the flat side. Decide which will be the top, and which will be the bottom of the strawberry. Draw a simplistic leaf shape with a green paint marker. Although you can paint it with a brush, a paint marker makes it really easy to draw the perfect leaf. When the leaf has dried, move on to the final stage of creating the strawberry. A toothpick is the ideal implement for making the dots on the strawberry rocks. Put a bit of black paint on a disposable plate and cut the tip off of the toothpick. Dip the cut end of the toothpick in the paint, tap it once on a paper towel, and then touch it to the strawberry. You could also use a fine-tip marker to draw the dots. Make many dots all over the strawberry. It can be helpful to look at pictures of strawberries to get an idea of the proper amount of dots, as well as ideas for leaf designs. Youll love the cute strawberries throughout your kitchen. Stick a piece of magnetic sheeting to the back of one to make it a refrigerator magnet. Put a bunch of them down the middle of the table to make an unusual runner. There are lots of ways to use the rock strawberries; youll think of many after you get them painted.

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