Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Ladder Closet

Ive been in many old homes in my lifetime and there are certain things you can say about lots of them - particularly farmhouses. Often, the rooms are quite large, and just as often, there is a lack of closet space. If there are any closets at all theyre usually very small. Back in the days when old farmhhouses were built couples generally had several children and those kids frequently shared bedrooms. At the same time, people didnt have a huge array of outfits, shoes and accessories. So, the bedrooms were large to accommodate two or three kids each, but the closets were tiny because there wasnt a lot of clothing to put in them. If you live in an old house that features fabulous, spacious rooms, but no closet space, just get out that old ladder and build one. Dont use the ladder for climbing; use it as the closet!A walk-in closet would require lumber, shelving and many other materials but a walk-by closet is much different. Simply set up, against a wall, a quick and easy arrangement that will serve as an atypical closet which is perfect for storing all your clothes and accessories.Once you have all the materials you need it will only take a few minutes to actually assemble the closet. First, youll need a set of shelving units, bookcases or similar furnishings. The pieces should be exactly the same and contain shelves inside an encasement. They should also be no less than four feet tall, however, units which are around five feet tall, or so, are even better. The shelves can be wooden, hard plastic or another type.One way to make the closet is to just place the shelving units against a wall, space them far apart, then lay a wooden ladder on top of them. Another way is to cut a section from the ladder. Attach a piece of wood across the side of the unit and another to the side of the oppposite unit. Lay the ladder on the wood pieces then use screws or nails to hold the ladder in place.Fold and stack some clothing or other objects on the shelves of the unit then use baskets to hold things which you dont want seen - like dirty clothes. Hang clothing, coats, umbrellas and other things on the rungs of the ladder.Something else you can incorporate into the closet, on the floor under the ladder, is a bench for holding your shoes, a footlocker for holding blankets and linens, or even just a small coffee table for holding shoes or baskets. The walk-by closet is useful, looks nice and is easy to assemble.See a walk-by closet here.

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