Monday, October 15, 2012

Feathered Wedding Headband

The bride is dressed all in white - white dress, white shoes, white veil - its a gorgeous look that most people never tire of. Some brides choose an antique dress for a retro look whereas others find the most modern gowns the best for their weddings. No matter what type of gown you choose, though, theres a headband accessory that you can make to give any gown a finishing touch with feathers and frill.

Whether the bride will be the one wearing feathers, or her party will, the guests will be whispering compliments as the ladies walk down the aisle. The best part of making the headbands is you get to be creative and make any design you want. Create an antique look, a colorful accent to match dress sashes, or a simple design with glittery touches.

Feathers from a craft store are not expensive and come in a small variety. Youll find even more feather types online. Dont choose stiff feathers, generally used for Indian head gear, but the more delicate type that usually comes in a bag of one color or many. Its helpful to first lay out the feathers of the color(s) you want to get an idea of sizes, shapes and types. That makes it easy to quickly match up colors or cover certain areas as youre making the headband. Decide on the colors of feathers you want to use and lay them so that all their quills are pointing the same way. If needed, trim quills down to make them closer to the feather itself. Start with a cloth-covered headband and use hot glue to attach the feathers. Decide if you want to use only white feathers or colored ones as well. Select a design where the feathers will go all the way across or one where they will gather on one section of the headband. Choose really wispy feathers or slightly stiffer ones - or a combination. Other variations, such as pointing the feathers all one way instead of assorted ways, can create completely different designs. Use hot glue to attach the feathers where you want them. After all theyre all in place there are several choices for covering the quills. Glue on rhinestones, sequin, a strip of lace edging, fake pearls, generous amounts of glue and glitter or other craft supplies. With the supplies being only a few bucks you can make each headband for around five dollars. The bridal party will look gorgeous - of course, they already would have - but guests will think you spent big bucks at a boutique for those stunning, feathered accents.

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