Friday, December 7, 2012

How to Make a Grass House

Its nice when kids can spend a little fun time doing crafts. You know whats even better? When that craft teaches the kids something as they progress with the project. There are many science-type crafts that one can do where the "learning while crafting" idea applies. Let your kids grow a grass house and not only do they learn to how to do a fun and unique craft but they also learn what it takes to grow grass. And, they learn that grass doesnt necessarily have to grow outside! Making a grass house is fairly easy to do. You can create a house which is very simplistic or one thats a little more involved. To make the walls of the house, the roof, and even the surrounding landscape use kitchen sponges. The ones that work perfectly are rectangular ones that have no scrubber-type covering. Use tinted sponges - ones with colors of blue, green, pink, yellow or similar colors; parts of the sponges will be able to be seen after the house is finished so consider this as you construct the house. For example, if youll need two sponge pieces to make the roof use pieces which are both the same color.

Use only new sponges to make the grass house. Wet the sponges, squeezing them several times each while water runs over them, then set them on a flat surface to slightly dry. Cut the pieces to the sizes you need and assemble the house. For the most part, the sponge pieces will stand on their own, but if you need to secure certain pieces just use straight pins. The straight pins can also help you later since youll be able to turn the house, this way and that, to apply the grass seed.

Assemble the house on the lid of a clear container. A disposable, plastic bowl with lid works great. Turn the lid upside-down and assemble the sponge house on it. When the house is finished spray it with water. Dont soak the house but just wet it well. Sprinkle grass seed all over the house. As you do, some grass seed will fall off, but you can use these to patch bare spots in the grass seed on the house. Pat these into place with dry hands. s Slightly spray the grass seeds with water. Set the bowl or container over the finished house and poke a few holes in it. After ten days to two weeks the grass will grow, and when it does, the container can be removed. Kids will be thrilled to make the grass house and look for grass growth each day. When they see the grass finally growing on the house theyll be just a little more fascinated with science!